Ready to join the GCCS Family?
To seek class placement, the documents listed below must be completed in full for each student and returned to the school. Please call the school office at 225-387-5082 if you have any questions or need assistance in completing the forms.
Enrollment Application (click the button above to learn more) The complete application packet can be found here.
Birth Certificate (We will make a copy from the original)
Social Security Card (We will make a copy from the original)
Up-to-date Immunization Record
Signed copy of GCCS’ Non-Discrimination Policy (Click here for policy form)
Proof of household income & number of dependents (This is needed for tuition assistance purposes)
Copy of past achievement test scores and school records if applicable (Parents must go to the original school and request a drop form. We will then contact the former school for student records)
Proof of residency (Such as a phone bill, utility bill, etc.)
When all of the items listed above have been submitted, we will schedule a parent/guardian interview. At the parent/guardian interview, we will complete your child’s enrollment.